The purpose of this charter is to promote green energy, and in doing so to alleviate fuel poverty and secure a diverse, viable and long-term energy supply for the UK.
By green energy we are referring to energy efficiency measures, combined heat and power plants and renewable electricity, heat and gas production.
This charter, agreed by the members of the Sustainable Energy Partnership, consists of measures that we all agree should be adopted expeditiously to promote green energy. The 10 measures are outlined below.
The Charter
1. National programme to eradicate fuel poverty by 2016, to include:
- ending the “poor pay more” scandal whereby the poorest people, who pay by prepayment or standard credit, pay more than other consumers
- ensuring the poor have access to affordable low carbon energy and energy efficiency measures
- a national strategy for retrofitting social housing to improve energy and carbon standards
2. Individual home audits with detailed whole house solutions by 2013
3. Private landlords to be responsible for energy efficiency improvements to both homes and offices, where viable
4. Better green energy information to guide consumer choice and stimulate take-up, and all buildings with staff or visitors to display energy certificates
5. A fiscal and economic strategy to promote green energy, including:
- Better Enhanced Capital Allowances for new technology
- Feed-in Tariff and Renewable Heat Incentive tariff rates and export bonuses that are adequate to ensure a significant expansion of small-scale renewable electricity generation
- Exemption from council tax and business rate increases after green energy technologies are installed
- Improved economic incentives for installing energy saving devices
- Commitments for long term funding of renewables and low carbon generation technologies
- Cheaper grid connection costs for green energies and investment in smart-grid control systems
6. Where viable, require all commercial and public sector buildings to be made more energy efficient, including when undertaking new building work
7. More rigorous enforcement of building regulations, and the public sector to lead by example by meeting its existing green energy targets
8. Identifying need for green jobs, providing courses/apprenticeships with recognised qualifications, and supporting home grown industries
9. Local councils and communities to be given more power to take the lead on local initiatives, including:
- Drawing up sustainable energy plans for their area
- Allowing councils to ring-fence business taxes from low carbon and renewable generation so that benefits can be felt in the communities
- Continued support for community-led carbon reduction and green energy initiatives
10. Sustainable energy targets to meet our energy needs and statutory CO2 reduction pledges. To include:
- Minimum of 5% of electricity generated by small-scale (less than 5 mega watts) renewables by 2020
- Comprehensive strategy for de-carbonisation of heat
- Introduction of an effective Renewable Heat Incentive by April 2011
- Realisation of the existing Government commitment to achieve 15.5 giga watts of CHP generating capacity by 2020
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